Solid tumor TCD17465

Study #TCD17465

A Phase 1/2, Dose Escalation, Dose Expansion, and Dose Optimization Study of the Safety, Tolerability, and Anti-tumor Activity of SAR444881 Administered Alone and in Combination With Pembrolizumab, Cetuximab and/or Chemotherapy in Participants With Advanced Solid Tumors


The study will enroll advanced cancer patients with unresectable or metastatic disease who are refractory to or are not candidates for standard approved therapy. The study will be comprised of two parts – a dose escalation phase (Part 1) and a dose optimization/expansion phase (Part 2). Part 1 is comprised of three sub-parts: SAR444881 administered alone (Sub-Part 1A), SAR444881 administered in combination with pembrolizumab (Sub-Part 1B), and SAR444881 administered in combination with cetuximab (Sub-Part 1C). Part 2 is composed of two sub-parts: a dose optimization part where up to two doses of SAR444881 per indication are administered in combination with pembrolizumab, cetuximab, and/or carboplatin and pemetrexed (Sub-Part 2A); and a dose expansion part where SAR444881 is administered alone (Sub-Part 2B). In Sub-Part 2A, a two-stage design will be implemented to conduct dose optimization for each indication with combination therapy- Stage 1 (Preliminary Assessment) and Stage 2 (Randomization). Study is non-randomized except Stage 2 of Sub-Part 2A which will use randomization.

Principal investigator: Dr. Abdelaziz Elhaddad

Sponsor: Sanofi

Interested in this trial? Email [email protected].

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